Sunday, February 14, 2010

Opera Sofa Can The Internet Channel On The Wii Be Used To Visit Sites Like Pornhub?

Can the internet channel on the wii be used to visit sites like pornhub? - opera sofa

I wonder.
Here are the specifications for which are
Go to "Detailed specifications of Article
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The detailed specifications of the Nintendo Wii: Wii Channels: Internet Channel
Website: Opera 9.3 engine SpecificationsBrowser
* Before on 10.10.2007, the work of the Internet Channel Opera 9.1
UserAgent Opera/9.30 (Wii; U;, 2047-7; s)
* Prior on 10/10/2007, ran the Internet Channel Opera/9.10 (Wii, U, 1621; s)
Http, https
The features offered by HTML4.01, XHTML1.1, WML2.0, CSS 2.1, ECMAScript, DOM2, SSL2.0 / 3,0, TSL1.0 / 1.1 cookie is stored (in the console)
Visible BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, Flash 7
Resolution Tool Bar - Displayed: 800x528 pixels (4:3), 800x396 pixels (16:9)
Tool bar - hidden:800x628 pixels (4:3), 800x472 pixels (16:9)
The maximum number of 56 Favorite Favorite
* Prior on 10/10/2007 The Internet Channel supports up to 48 bookmarks.

Site for more details ...
They also say that "the Internet Channel, as you surf the web leaning changed forever. There's more on his computer. Just download the Opera browser for 500 Wii Points and within minutes you will be a professional sofa surfer Point and click to make your way through the Internet with your Wii Remote. Opera supports Adobe Flash and JavaScript, and you can even movies about their favorite video sites!

Javascript! No need Javascript connected hub?

If anyone knows please tell me! One minute to goand, most importantly, you need to play a video and must say that
(You can now) go
Fello Hubbe helps!
Please give me detailed answers! If only I were to buy only 500 Wii Points is a good thing, but you have to pay for freaking 2000 points ...
And you can see things like the Nintendo DSi?
Here, too, please help Hubbe a friend!

1 comment:

The Shadow™ ® said...

Yes, but the video format is not compatible, so that they can see the pictures
Wii only videos mp4

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